CWL Group Sites
Four individuals in business attire stand in a modern office, holding a large framed artwork between them. The artwork has an indigenous Australian model of a fish, with smaller images beneath it, possibly related to the subject or an event. The group poses for a commemorative photograph, two men on the sides and two in the middle holding the frame. They all exhibit a professional demeanour, and the environment suggests a formal occasion, possibly a presentation or an award ceremony.

Vertech Honoured with HSE award from Inpex

Following the successful 2022 maintenance turnaround campaign on the INPEX-operated Ichthys Venturer offshore production facility, Vertech was honoured with an award at the INPEX CORPORATION Headquarters in Tokyo, recognising the immense amount of work that went into completing this complex scope safely, successfully, on time and budget.

The impressive Ichthys Venturer floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) facility is 336 metres long, the size of three soccer pitches laid end-to-end and weighs approximately 150 thousand tonnes. The facility is home to 200 people and is designed to operate safely during the harshest marine conditions.